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ADV AMD annuncia le Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition e Radeon HD 7850 Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 05.03.2012

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AMD ha ufficialmente ampliato il proprio catalogo di gpu e video card della linea Radeon HD 7000 con le soluzioni di fascia alta denominate AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition e AMD Radeon HD 7850, ed equipaggiate con 2GB di RAM G-DDDR5.

Entrambe le nuove schede grafiche sono naturalmente equipaggiate con una gpu a 28nm realizzata in accordo alla nuova Graphics Core Next Architecture (GCN) e supportano lo standard PCI Express 3.0 (che sarà introdotto a breve da Intel con le cpu "Ivy Bridge", ndr) e le tecnologie proprietarie AMD Eyefinity 2.0 e AMD ZeroCore Power, oltra a AMD PowerTune e AMD CrossFire.

Il chip designer ha inoltre reso noto che le nuove video card sono in arrivo da tutti i principali partner AIB, come ASUS, Club 3D, Diamond, Gigabyte, HIS, MSI, Powercolor, Sapphire, VisionTek e XFX, che si occupano della fabbricazione della scheda intorno al processore grafico fornito da AMD. Il costo medio di vendità della Radeon HD 7850 è pari a $249.

Le specifiche delle nuove AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition e AMD Radeon HD 7850 sono state rese note ieri.

AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

AMD Radeon HD 7850

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced the sleek new additions to its award-winning 28nm GPU line up, the AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition and AMD Radeon HD 7850 graphics cards. Featuring AMD's cutting-edge Graphics Core Next Architecture (GCN) for spectacular performance and efficiency, the AMD Radeon HD 7800 series comes equipped with PCI Express 3.0 and the incredibly efficient AMD ZeroCore Power technology.1,3,4 Gamers can dive right in, crank up the settings and expand their gaming with AMD Eyefinity 2.0 technology thanks to the world's most advanced graphics. The AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition and AMD Radeon HD 7850 GPUs comes equipped with 2GBs of GDDR5 memory and will be available worldwide from add-in-board partners like ASUS, Club 3D, Diamond, Gigabyte, HIS, MSI, Powercolor, Sapphire, VisionTek and XFX via retailers and e-tailers, with select models starting at USD$249 SEP.

"Engineered for supremacy, designed for efficiency and packed with incredible features, the AMD Radeon HD 7800 series offers more than the just world's most advanced graphics: it offers the incredible performance every gamer deserves," said Matt Skynner corporate vice president and general manager, GPU Division, AMD. "AMD continues to lead the industry in desktop graphics innovation with unrivalled computing and unequalled technologies like our game-changing GCN Architecture."

With continued demand for increased graphics horsepower to support more visually intensive games, the AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series is set to power the next generation of games and applications. And for those looking to upgrade to a next-generation graphics card, the AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series is the ideal choice.

"AMD has launched its full suite of next-generation graphics cards in very short order," said Robert E. Bellack, CEO, Newegg North America. "With the launch of the AMD Radeon HD 7800 series, we'll now be able to offer our customers AMD's full range of 28nm graphics cards, giving them the edge they need when gaming. We're proud to work with AMD on getting these cards to market."

The AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series raises the graphics bar by providing gamers an arsenal of tools like AMD PowerTune, AMD Eyefinity 2.0 and AMD CrossFire technologies, and 2GBs of GDDR5 memory that empowers them to enjoy the latest games and applications on the market.

"The AMD Radeon HD 7800 series is designed to perform for serious gamers," said Chance Lyon, Zombie Studios. "'Blacklight Retribution' is set to be one of the most visually impressive games of 2012 and AMD's commitment to pushing the boundaries of graphics technology with its Graphics Core Next Architecture means players will have an optimized 'Blacklight' gaming experience when they plug in an AMD Radeon HD 7800 graphics card."

News Source: AMD Press Release

Tag: amd  |  radeon

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