Con un post sul blog ufficiale, inserito dal vice presidente della divisione Product, Bradley Horowitz, Google ha annunciato la prossima "pulizia autunnale", o "fall sweep" per dirla con Bradley Horowitz, attraverso la quale saranno sostanzialmente dismessi alcuni servizi finora offerti agli utenti.
Tra questi, il servizio più noto è senza dubbio Google Buzz, uno strumento di condivisione di idee, foto, video e altro: in poche settimane esso sarà chiuso, e gli utenti non potranno di conseguenza inserire nuovi messaggi, anche se potranno visualizzare quelli esistenti mediante il proprio profilo. Lo shut down di Google Buzz è finalizzato a spingere al massimo Google+.
Il 15 gennaio 2012 sarà invece la data in cui verranno chiusi Code Search, un tool pensato per favorire la ricerca di codice Open Source su tutto il Web, e Jaiku (in questo caso gli utenti avranno la possibilità di esportare i propri dati).
In accordo a Google, questa iniziativa è volta a migliare i propri prodotti, nell'ottica di offrire agli utenti soluzioni in grado di "cambiare la vita" e tali da essere utilizzate almeno "due o tre volte al giorno".

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

We aspire to build great products that really change people’s lives, products they use two or three times a day. To succeed you need real focus and thought—thought about what you work on and, just as important, what you don’t work on. It’s why we recently decided to shut down some products, and turn others into features of existing products.
Here’s the latest update on what’s happening:
- Code Search, which was designed to help people search for open source code all over the web, will be shut down along with the Code Search API on January 15, 2012.
- In a few weeks we’ll shut down Google Buzz and the Buzz API, and focus instead on Google+. While people obviously won't be able to create new posts after that, they will be able to view their existing content on their Google Profile, and download it using Google Takeout.
- Jaiku, a product we acquired in 2007 that let users send updates to friends, will shut down on January 15, 2012. We’ll be working to enable users to export their data from Jaiku.
- Several years ago, we gave people the ability to interact socially on iGoogle. With our new focus on Google+, we will remove iGoogle's social features on January 15, 2012. iGoogle itself, and non-social iGoogle applications, will stay as they are.
- The University Research Program for Google Search, which provides API access to our search results for a small number of approved academic researchers, will close on January 15, 2012.
In addition, later today the Google Labs site will shut down, and as previously announced, Boutiques.com and the former Like.com websites will be replaced by Google Product Search.
Changing the world takes focus on the future, and honesty about the past. We learned a lot from products like Buzz, and are putting that learning to work every day in our vision for products like Google+. Our users expect great things from us; today’s announcements let us focus even more on giving them something truly awesome.
News Source: Official Google Blog Links